Monday, June 2, 2008

thirteen weeks tomorrow

Page Twenty-one

monday 2 june 2008 Greenfield

Disobligata II

inter stellas negras
alma mea remota
noli eam revocare

sub luna tenebra
alma mea semota
noli eam revocare

I reiterate: don't owe the neurotypicals who've generously showered meanness and hurt on me all my life a goddamned thing.

Update 3 December 2009: I don't owe any human anything, with very, very few exceptions. My soul is going to the only place it wants to go: to the past where I had my animals and I was myself, at least as much others allowed me to be, which wasn't too much. Noli eam revocare. Don't try.

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all photos, graphics, poems and text copyright 2008-2011 by anne nakis, unless otherwise stated. all rights reserved.

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