Saturday, May 31, 2008

who cares

Page Twenty

sat 31 may 2008 Greenfield

I have to leave a message for someone here:

Bill said: Stop runnin' around like a fart in a windstorm.

Done. Rainpain, snowpain, sunpain, moonpain. Sorry folks, human beings are mostly repulsive to me. Always hoped I'd find one or two that weren't, but nullo modo. And i'm just as repulsive to them, judging by the evidence.

Update 24 November 2009: There's nothing to add but this: human beings are more repulsive than ever, after the events of the last 20 months.

I do have one person who seems to be sticking most of the time. But attempts to find a second have all failed.

Rainpain, snowpain, etc. go on without relief.
Thanksgiving is upon us, my second without my animals and my own life.
In the human arena, I'm the perpetual ugly duckling.

~~~~~~ website ~~~~~~~~~~~

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