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Page Twenty-six
fri 20 june 2008 Greenfield
More Bill.... what can I tell you today, nameless receiver of messages -- I'm tired enough that my brain is mush, anitbiotic makes it worse...
Bill on the submarine, and you came that time too. I could never have lived that way, would've gone stark raving bonkers, but he loved it. I loved the submarine too, and everything about it, but I couldn't have lasted more than a week. What about you? I didn't ask at the time. Could you have gone to sea in that thing? ...
If you're a glutton for more of this Bill you don't know, knock yourself out: one bill, two bill, three bill, four bill, five bill.
Update 22 Oct 2009: This post was written in a kind of private code for a certain person. I didn't explain it then, and I won't now.
When I wrote this post I was only days away from figuring out that something criminal was going on in my life, and having Matthew admit that. I was living in a rented room in Greenfield (the same one I'm living in again), and I had just dumped the Department of Mental Hell earlier in the month of June. My plan was to look for my own place without any social service "help," but in early July that plan changed when Matthew told me I was being protected by him and others from people who wanted to hurt me. All plans were suspended while I took time to absorb this information. By the time I had made a beginning at that, Matthew had told me yet another thing that squashed my plans further.
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