Page Twenty-eight
fri 27 june 2008 Greenfield
I don't think I've ever mentioned that according to the mob-chick, she and the landlady had a deal. I heard her say it. It was 13 months after she moved in, and she was outside my window talking to a friend in her shrill, scratchy, fish-wife voice, and they were drinking wine. Always when she was running her sociopathic mouth outside my window, I'd turn up my radio, since I had not the slightest interest in any sewage issuing from her mouth. But I didn't get to the radio fast enough, and I heard. The deal was that if the chick could make me have another nervous breakdown and go to hospital, leaving the animals free to be taken, chick could live her whole time there rent-free. Her whole time there was 17 months. A sweet pair of ruthless females, don't you think? My sisters. If I HAVE mentioned this before, please excuse the redundancy.
So... it's very possible that EVERYONE had an agenda. Mob-chick certainly had hers: to make me have a nervous breakdown. Landlady had hers, but she actually had MORE than one. The building inspector and board of health had theirs. The selectmen and the police had theirs. The DMH and CSS and sheriff's department had theirs. My OWN agenda was to be found a place to live with at least half of my family, to be present at the euthanasias of whatever ones could not be saved, to maintain my privacy and reclusiveness, and my way of life: animals, art, books, etc. Minimal contact with most humans. And I make more redundancy: my tenant, civil, client rights were all violated, as I am a powerless person on the public dole and am very weird with my PTSD and Asperger's and rare immune sysytem disorders, and I can't afford a lawyer, and the entire town of Turners Falls has always felt that a nothing like me could be treated any old way that popped into their extremely muddy and callous heads.
Voila. The destruction of one human being (though I am apparently not that in their eyes) and the 14 innocent animals whom she loved more than her own life. Voila.
Update 19 October 2009: Because this was written in June last year, I believed there were only certain people from certain organizations who had all participated, behind my back, in this eviction and the disappearance of my animals. I wouldn't find out until July (from Matthew), that, according to him, even more bureaucrats were controlling my days. Now, if he was telling the truth, I had a whole lot of different people messing with my life that I hadn't known about before, and the ones I'd known about had already done enough damage: they'd destroyed my life. Matthew and his ilk were, and are, no better than the various other cruds who thought they could do anything they wanted to me, no scruples involved.
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(dorothy a www.whatonearthcatalog.com)
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