Page Thirty-two
the leaves are falling all around and into my "home" in the bandstand in Peskeomskut Park, in the holy haven of Turners Falls.
tues 21 0ct 2008 living outdoors in Turners Falls
I keep forgetting whether it's Tuesday or Wednesday -- that's how tired and worn out I am.
I've said this in other places: a man in Keene, New Hampshire, a psychiatrist, no less, told me that if federal people were protecting me while at the same time using me to catch certain fish, without my consent, that this was ILLEGAL. Is this true, or was this professional man, fully trained and licensed and all that, just getting himself some jollies over my "delusions?"
They are no longer human beings in my eyes, Matthew and his fals,as I apparently have never been one in theirs. They are the quintessential nazi soldiers following orders, no matter how cruel and abusive to the innocent those orders are. They can all rot, these purported protectors, and I have no moral qualms whatsoever about saying that. They have no qualms in my direction. Leprosy would be nice -- then they'd literally rot. But does anyone actually get that anymore in amerika? Cancer, bullets, ebola virus, whatever. They are not human, not at the level of conscience and morality. They're a plague to be eradicated. If they've used me this way, I am furious. Furious and without recourse. I've been told by any number of people that if these big-cop types mess you over, there's not a thing you can do about it. Are they right?
I hang on this hook for your pleasure,
your plans, your parasite pride
Update 26 Sept 2009: It's still true. If they used me this way, I am furious. As I think MANY people would be.
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