Page Eight
Wed 30 April 2008 Greenfield
I wonder, over and over again, why saving my way of life for me was not at least a little important to the putzes at the DMH. I'm not a likeable person, I've known that for years, I understand that. But they are being paid by Massachusetts taxpayers -- and we poor folk pay cigarette taxes, sales taxes, gas taxes, etc. -- to assist the mentally ill, to help them preserve and improve their mental health, and yet saving the life of Anne Nakis, an unlikeable, reclusive, animal-loving, people-hating weirdo, did not matter. I told them for a year that losing the animals would be a trauma I couldn't survive. Someone else who's known me for twenty years told them so too, in a letter. They even had me "evaluated" over the phone a couple of times by their so-called crisis people, who tried to convince me that of course I could survive. These penis-breaths who never met me, knew nothing about my 55 years and the traumas and the immune system crap and my life-long dependency on bonds with animals, were trying to tell me how my soul is made, what it can withstand and what it can't. IT'S ALL ABOUT CONTROL, ABOUT ASSERTING YOUR WILL OVER THE CLIENT'S. Saving my animals, and therefore my life, didn't matter. Only asserting their will. This word thisgoes to the DMH page of my website.
Let's raise our glasses of non-alcoholic beverages and drink a toast to arrogance, and a toast to lightning bolts sent by Zeus to zap those who practice hubris. Skol.
Update 29 July 2009: I feel the same way, all this time after first writing this post. I wasn't taken seriously by the very social worker types who are supposed to take seriously the mental health needs of their clients. I didn't matter. They were arrogant enough to suppose after their relatively brief exposure to me that they knew how my psyche works better than I do. They knew my self better than I do. Zeus has thus far sent no lightning bolts to damage these people whose arrogance has so badly damaged me, and I don't imagine that he will. And I would repeat yet again: if you or someone you care about are considering getting mixed up with the Mass Dept. of Mental Health, please don't. Please find other ways.
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