Wednesday, December 30, 2009

wednesday 30 december 2009

turners falls

See ya later, 2009. I ended 2008 deeply disappointed in trying to communicate with people on the internet, and now I end 2009 the same way.

I write 5 on-line journals on 4 different websites, and now am knitting them together into one conglomerate website. I've hoped for nearly two years that I'll find people about my age with about my interests, and people who might be just a bit peeved about what was done to me and my animals. But it simply doesn't happen. I go on writing for other reasons now, but it's not easy. Like standing at a podium, speaking to an empty room. Or a room full of the deaf.

read... Mishibone... Neverending solitaire...

~~~~ website ~~~~~~~~~

Monday, December 14, 2009

monday 14 december 2009


Why do I continue writing these on-line journals, I often wonder. I don't write the kinds of things that people are looking for: entertaining things, things of interest to people 35 and under. So why?

During the long time I've been writing these real-life events on the internet, I've had different reasons for going on. But now I go on for my death, which I'd hoped to be able to bring about myself, but so far... My relatives have no interest in these journals now, while I'm alive: I'm not taken seriously as a human being, as far as I can tell, by anyone related to me. But perhaps when I've died there will be at least some meager morbid curiosity about who this woman really was. As long as I breathe they define me, and I'm not allowed to define and describe myself. Maybe when I no longer breathe there will be a change, but of course I can't be sure.


read... Lifelines... Lucked out...

~~~ website ~~~~~~~~~~~

all photos, graphics, poems and text copyright 2008-2011 by anne nakis, unless otherwise stated. all rights reserved.